The holistic medicine and reflexology may help in improving fertility of the couple (both male and female). Very good is to use it in pregnancy, when it assures a low risk intervention for some circulatory and hormonal disfunctions. Till the birth moments -and soon after them- reflexology has been tested in some Countries as an help in delivery, so as in postpartum weeks (depression and related disorders).
Reflexology treatment in pregnancy
A safer treatment without the usual negative collateral effects of drugs.
Fertility irregularities
Researches are now exploring,in some different Countries (China, Korea, Denmark), the links among fertility irregularities and reflexology treatments to understand if there can be any improvement.
Reflexology and pregnancy
Hand, face and feet reflexology give an adjunctive support to women wishing to become pregnant,
New researches about reflexology and infertility
In some English hospitals there are trials to verify if and how much reflexology treatments may help in solving infertility problems. Dr Jonathan Lord, clinical lecturer in reproductive medicine at one of the the hospitals, is co-ordinating the new trial. 'At the moment there is no evidence to say whether reflexology works or not,' he said. 'Although there are several reports of patients in whom it has worked, this is not sufficient evidence to enable it to be routinely recommended.' It is clear that it is not "the solution", knowing how complex infertility problems are, but if it can give a reasonable percentage of help, it would be to refuse reflexology.
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