Women health: situations and problems.

Menstrual problems are very diffused in the world, both in developed and in developing Countries, both in adolescents and in mature women (painful or irregular periods, cramps, premenstrual syndrome, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, midcycle pain, temporary depression, etc.). During the past 20 years several studies in the USA and other Countries have showed the positive effects of reflexology on menstrual pains and symptoms (For example:"Over 46% of a test group treated with reflexology experimented a reduction of premenstrual symptoms", in American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, vol.82, 1993). In China reflexology has been tested for many gynaecological diseases obtaining very good results.
Fertility problems have had an help according to some recent British and Danish studies. In our days it is common to find women and couples having a low fertility, reflexology may balance endocrine system and the other systems connected to the reproductive process.
Reflexology has been experimented in pregnancy as an alternative to pain medication, labor induction and reducing drugs assumption. A Danish study reported a reduction of pain in almost 75% of women (1989 data).
During pregnancy reflexology may help in regulating hormonal functions so as in balancing some further body functions (blood circulation, kidneys, relaxing, etc.) without drugs risks.
In postpartum it has been found that reflexology may benefit the breast milk production (Chinese studies). Other studies have showed the benefits of reflexology in reducing body weight and edema of postpartum women.
Reflexology may be a "soft" therapy that integrates other different therapies. It has no negative effects, if practised by experts, and surely increase the wellness and body functions (from sleeping problems to eating dirosders).
Fertility problems have had an help according to some recent British and Danish studies. In our days it is common to find women and couples having a low fertility, reflexology may balance endocrine system and the other systems connected to the reproductive process.
Reflexology has been experimented in pregnancy as an alternative to pain medication, labor induction and reducing drugs assumption. A Danish study reported a reduction of pain in almost 75% of women (1989 data).
During pregnancy reflexology may help in regulating hormonal functions so as in balancing some further body functions (blood circulation, kidneys, relaxing, etc.) without drugs risks.
In postpartum it has been found that reflexology may benefit the breast milk production (Chinese studies). Other studies have showed the benefits of reflexology in reducing body weight and edema of postpartum women.
Reflexology may be a "soft" therapy that integrates other different therapies. It has no negative effects, if practised by experts, and surely increase the wellness and body functions (from sleeping problems to eating dirosders).
COPYRIGHT by Dr. A. Virgili ReflexologyStudio - All rights reserved