Pregnancy is a time when drugs and pharmacological treatment have to be avoided or limited. Reflexology may help in some disturbs and increasing wellness. During pregnancy it is a must to avoid self treatments and to refer to professional reflexologists giving full medical information.
For pregnant women regular controls and a safe life help in preventing foetal and childbirth problems.
To learn some easy reflexological procedures may help mothers in caring their future child.
For pregnant women it is usually possible to obtain reflexological treatment at home, so as some further types of integrative treatments (aromatherapy, chromatherapy, acupressure, etc.). ONLY QUALIFIED REFLEXOLOGISTS HAVE TO TREAT PREGNANT WOMEN with the consent of the gynaecologist
Expecially during pregnancy any treatment has to be done in a confortable and relaxing (both physical and psychological) environment.
COPYRIGHT by Dr. A. Virgili ReflexologyStudio - All rights reserved